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low frequency 【物理學】低頻(率)。

low gear

Transmission characteristic of low frequency hydrodynamic oscillation in oil layers 低頻水力振動在油層中的傳播特性

Low frequency therapy apparatus 低頻率治療機

Low frequency induction furnace 低頻感應電爐

Low frequency therapy equipment 低頻電療設備

Combining high and low frequency technique for scattering from complex objects 高低頻技術結合計算復雜目標電磁散射

Low frequency therapeutic device 低周波治療器

Low frequency signal generator 低頻信號發生器

Handheld microphones usually have their low frequencies intentionally rolled - off 手持話筒通常有意的做低頻衰減。

Complex low frequency apparatus 復合低頻治療器

Particularly suitable for power transformers and filters at low frequencies 尤其適用于開關電源變壓器、濾波器。

Note : close woundcoils will resonate at a slightly lower frequency (注:密繞的線圈將會諧振在稍低的頻率。 )

Development of a hydraulic vibration drilling apparatus on ultra - low frequency 超低頻液壓振動鉆孔裝置的分析

Low frequency fatigue testing machine 低頻疲勞試驗機

Super low frequency therapeutic apparatus 超低頻治療機

0hz - 10khz human exposure to electromagnetic fields . low frequency 0 hz to 10 khz 人受到電磁場的影響.低頻

Low frequency electric induction furance 低周波感應電爐

Low frequency standard angular exciter 低頻標準角振動臺

Very low frequency electromagnetical receiver 甚低頻電磁儀

Development of a low frequency sound - absorption taper for anechoic pool 消聲水池用低頻吸聲尖劈的研制